Chasing Spring as we head North has given us another day of great weather. Whitehall  was the last lock into lake Champlain, the lake  and landscape are beautiful. Craig and Barbara suggest we go to West Port, It is a great little town. The owner of a local restaurant, The Westport Hotel and Tavern, picked us up for dinner which was wonderful. We even had entertainment after dinner of a local band. A woman stepped up from the crowd and began singing, if you close your eyes you would have thought it was Janice Joplin.  The sous chef that volunteered to drive us back to the dingy dock last night, invited us to church where he was preaching. Gavin Johnston, seminary student,  did a great job explaining Vonhoeffer’s view of Christ’s Love. This church is affiliated with both American Baptist and United Methodist.

The weather is so perfect we decide to stay another day and explore with our Dinghies. The lake was like glass and we crossed it over to Vermont and Button Island, on the way across we just stopped tied our dinghies together and had a picnic on the water.