We head out early with our friends 20Buck$ and we started the Trent-Severn Canal. We went through 12 locks and were lifted more than 200 feet. We were the only two in the locks and have this down pretty well at this point. We stopped on the parks wall just before Cambellford.

About an hour later XEMXIJA (Sunshine) came in and tied up in front of us, they were having a bad day. Jack had gotten on the wrong side of a channel marker and run aground. Up here that means hitting rocks, the lock master had called a diver to come and remove his prop and inspect the boat. Luckily it was only a prop issue, sometimes it can bend a shaft our put a hole in the boat.

We got to spend the evening with Jack, Ann, and their two champion dogs Frankie and Sailor. We shared some wine, cheese and crackers and learned about producing Canadian TV and a cooking show “Top Chef or the Food Network. We were sorry for their trouble but it made for a wonderful evening. Frankie and Sailor have done some advertising for dog food, of course they had been groomed. I may have too look into that myself.. or not.